Farewell Athens, it’s time to head home
Athens turned on the sunniest day so far, for our last few hours of exploring. Once we were all packed up and ready to go, we headed out into the blue sunshine-y day. First we walked south-west from our apartment, to the Koukaki area, where we hadn’t been before. It’s “Big Friday” here in Greece, so we weren’t sure what would be open, given that 99% of Greeks adhere to the Greek Orthodox faith, but there was plenty open as it turned out. The Greeks do love their tourists! We did hear a few church bells during the morning, and then we came across a mass in one of the churches we passed by, so we popped in out of curiosity. Everyone was standing (no chairs), the priest was intoning and occasionally singing, there were periodic repetitions of three phrases in Greek after which the gathered crossed themselves, and otherwise there was some kissing of the displayed photos of icons in the foyer. We assumed it was some kind of Easter Friday mass. Last night, in fact, as we walked bac...